New album After The Storm to be released on 15. September 2023
31. August 2023
The new album After The Storm is planned for release on all major streaming platforms on 15. September 2023.
New album Echoes Down The Stairway now available
15. January 2022
The new album Echoes Down The Stairway is out on all major streaming platforms, with a limited number of CDs available from this page as well - simply send us an email. Enjoy the music!
New video to track Blade now available
22. March 2021
The official music video of Blade from the new album Disappear is now available to watch on YouTube and is linked to the video section of this page. Enjoy!
New album Disappear out and available to buy or stream
1. February 2021
The new album Disappear is out on all major streaming platforms, with a limited number of CDs available from this page as well - simply send us an email. Enjoy the music and hopefully see you soon live at some point!
New single Red Sunset available to stream as sound file
2. August 2020
Apologies in the silence during the last couple of months - I've been working on new songs for an upcoming album (eventually). The new batch is, I think, really really good, and most songs just kind of appeared out of nowhere. Anyway, this is the first one of this new batch, called Red Sunset, and available to stream as a sound file on SoundCloud (shared to Facebook, here, and Instragram). Hope you like it - please share and like if you do!
Album Swallowed By The Fire now available to purchase an (almost) all digital platforms
26. May 2020
Swallowed By The Fire is now available to download/stream on (almost) all digital platforms! The link is under the MUSIC tab on this website. A limited number of CDs is also available to buy at the biggest online stores and also via contacting us on Facebook or Instagram (see link at the top of this page). Enjoy the music!
Track Hide now available to purchase an (almost) all digital platforms
17. May 2020
We are delighted to announce that the single Hide is now available for streaming/download on almost all digital platforms. You can find the link to purchase/stream under the MUSIC tab and then under 'singles' on this website.
Video to track High Up on YouTube
17. May 2020
The track High Up is now available to watch on YouTube. It's one of the older melodies I have written, but it has only recently taken flesh and bones to become a full song.
Videos to tracks Cover Me and Just Another Day on YouTube
25. April 2020
The album presence on YouTube is almost complete - tracks Cover Me and Just Another Day have been added! I hope you enjoy the music, which is bit louder and upbeat this time and looking forward to even more of you signing up to this page for updates on what's hapenning.
Webpage now features an 'about' and a 'sign up' menu item
17. April 2020
I have worked on the functionality of the page to now include a place where you can sign up for updates on news, live performances, and releases ('sign up' menu item) and somewhere where you can read a bit about me ('about' menu item). Looking forward to keeping you updated on new stuff hapenning!
Videos to tracks Parade, As I Fade, Drifting and Hide on YouTube
17. April 2020
The YouTube presence is growing - the album video for the tracks Parade, As I Fade, Drifting and Hide are now available on YouTube. Don't hold your breath - they're basically more or less static images of the album cover with a sligh zoom and zoom at, but the music is of course great :)
Video to new track Swallowed By The Fire released
12. April 2020
Delighted to announce that the video to Swallowed By The Fire is been completed and is now available to watch on this site (videos), on YouTube and on Facebook. Please share, like and subscribe (YouTube) if you think this music is worth writing and listening to - it's my only feedback from all of you out there. I am currently working on getting videos of all my other tracks done (there's about 8 of them) and putting them together into a playlist/album. So stay tuned!
Thanks in advance and hopefully enjoy the tracks.
New track Swallowed By The Fire released
9. April 2020
The new track Swallowed By The Fire is now available to listen to on SoundCloud and via the link on this website (music) and on the Sigmaphonic Facebook page. A video for the track is work in progress and will appear on YouTube, with the same links applying.
I hope you enjoy it!